Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Recruiters: Friends in a Tough Economy

Be Nice to Recruiters

Although recruiters may not get the ultimate say on whether or not you get hired, they have a great deal of influence with the hiring managers. They are the gatekeepers and will be the decision makers on whether or not you move on in the hiring process. You better figure out how to impress your recruiter first—he or she has a reputation to maintain with their client companies. Why would they send you on if you’re not the best they have to offer? How do you take advantage of this elusive key that can open doors to your next job?

First—don’t treat the recruiter like a hired hand. A recruiter represents your first hurdle in the recruiting process. Impress them! Give it all you’ve got! Be personable. If that recruiter doesn’t have a job that’s a good fit for you, but thinks you are worth the effort, he or she will market you to other clients and recruiters they network with. That means more exposure for you. If you treat a recruiter poorly or as someone working for YOU, there’s no surer way to bring a halt to the process.

Treat recruiters as partners in the hiring process. In a job market as competitive as today’s you need all the help you can get!

For more tips on job hunting go to:

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